okay these pants make me look like a walking curtain. However I made a white blouse to go with them. I am so tired of making pants with elastic. I still haven't mastered the crotch part, and to top that off my ass looks wider than two baseball fields. It looked refreshing to say the least when I wore them. I want my clothes to look store brought. This is the look I'm going for...every thing must look a certain way. I want to sew and be able to trick the eye into believing that I may have brought the outfit. This is to make up for my not being able to afford to buy a 145.00 skirt. I've not brought close in so long that I forgot that things do go up. When I find a way to make my underwear I will be doing that also. I think it's just ridiculous the prices people pay for clothing that half the time doesn't last long.
Where's the purse??