The blouse at the top is silk, and it is the kind that wrinkles. It's rather stiff. However I like the way the blouse turned out, should have made it longer. The buttons are shell, although you can't see them in detail. I brought plenty of this fabric, while in Chicago and that was almost six years ago. I will probably wear this with some slacks. I like my shirts to have more give to them. Even though this fabric is light, I had it on for a good 5 minutes fitting, and was sweating my behind off. It was a tad to small around the waste area, could have been squared for the bottom instead of rounded, and using Peggy Sagers style for the lapel facing and front part of the shirt takes up some fabric, so I didn't really allow for that amount. However I can see why she uses this style, as you don't need stabilizer for the front of the shirt, because the fabric becomes the stabilizer. The second blouse turned out well to, just a little snug around the waist. I will have to get some new buttons for this shirt. It was also my first time working with this type of fabric. It should not be used to make a shirt. It is deceptive in weight and in texture.
I thought that this would make a good shirt; however it would make a nice jacket, as it is pleather mix fabric. Not easy to sew, and wasn't easy for turning the collar in either, I had hope to make a more crisp point. For the time being I am going to wait until I can find the right buttons for this, also I could have tapered the sleeves a little more toward the end. I can tell that this fabric would make me sweat my behind off. I was sweating just trying it on. It is a nice color. Now I am off to cut the next pair of pants out and a blouse. My stash is really being used at this point. I think after watching Peggys tapes I will have a little more confidence. However if it doesn't look perfect I'm not a happy camper, and especially if I see a flaw in the outcome. I want things to look more smoother. Of course only I can detect this, but so could any person that sews. So this was a constructive Saturday morning.
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